Subchondroplasty Procedure

What can I expect after surgery?

Patients are typically treated in an outpatient setting, returning home the same day of the procedure.

Postoperatively, your doctor will recommend a short recovery course, similar to that of arthroscopy.

It’s important to note that recovery from The SCP Procedure is different for every patient. However, the following is common for most patients:

  • For the first 48-72 hours after surgery, patients will often experience significant pain in the operative area.
  • Your doctor will likely prescribe pain medication to treat these symptoms. Follow your doctor’s advice closely.
  • For the initial period, most doctors will recommend walking and standing with crutch support. The use of crutches is typically reduced as tolerated.
  • Your doctor will also recommend a course of physical therapy and activities to help you regain strength and maintain mobility of your joint.

It is important to follow your doctor’s advice as you recover.

Important Information: The use of AccuFill® BSM is not intended to be intrinsic to the stability of the bony structure. Radiological studies should be used to confirm that the adjacent cortical bone is intact.



The information herein is of a general nature and does not represent or constitute medical advice or recommendations and is for general education purposes only. This information is not meant to replace the specific verbal and written recommendations and instructions provided by your surgeon for your specific situation. Patient treatment plans and outcomes will vary.

Results of any surgical procedure vary from patient to patient. Talk to your doctor to decide what is appropriate for you. Should it become necessary, total joint replacement is still an option for you.